Vea’s Coat/ Clothes Closet For children
Ministry Leader is Valeria Halston
Needs are: socks, underwear, pants, and jackets.
All sizes from 4T to XL
See Valeria Halston with donations.
Jennifer’s Adult Closet and Household Goods
Ministry Leader is Jennifer Palm
All donations are accepted at the church on Wednesday between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon
Diaper Closet
The church has a number of diapers to give away to anyone who is in need.
Time: Every Tuesday 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Sizes needed are babies:
Preemie, newborn, sizes 3, , 4, and 6
Children Pull Ups or Night Wear (ALL SIZES)
Also we need Wipes
Adults sizes Medium, Large, and Extra Large
See Kelley Butler if you have any donations.