Lakewood Church

Lakewood Baptist Church

Community Groups: 9:15 AM

Morning Worship: 10:30 AM  … Babies to Pre-K childcare is available

Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 PM  … Babies to Pre-K childcare is available

Wednesday Night Prayer Service: 6:00 PM



Prayer Times

Sunday Morning: 8:55 AM

Wednesday: 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM

Saturday Evening: 6:00 PM


The Mission of Lakewood Baptist Church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ, touching generations with the power of the gospel.

 Statement Of Values

This statement clarifies the values which define the mission, vision, and strategies of Lakewood Baptist Church.

PRAYER: We believe that God desires His people to pray and that He hears and answers prayer. We acknowledge that no effort of ours will be effective without prayer, that our God directs His people as we seek His guidance in prayer.

LOVE: We believe in loving God supremely and in loving each other as Christ loved us. We truly care for one another. We believe our Lord has called us to love all people unconditionally – even our enemies – with a love only possible through Jesus Christ. We hold that same genuine love acts toward one another as to ourselves. We believe love brings highest glory to God.

BIBLICAL PREACHING AND TEACHING: We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired word, the authoritative and trustworthy rule of faith and practice for Christians. The Bible is both timeless and timely, relevant to the common needs of all people at all times and to the specific problems of contemporary living. We believe that Biblical preaching and teaching is the means that God has chosen to redeem and sanctify humanity, essential to belief in Jesus Christ and growth to spiritual maturity in Him.

WORSHIP: We believe that God create us so that we might worship Him, and that we are therefore supremely happy when we fulfill this purpose. We owe all to our gracious and beneficial Father, and should worship Him in all things, in all our ways daily. We hold that praise and worship that glorifies our Lord and King will excite our focus toward Jesus. We believe that worship to our Savior is a privilege given to us, done simply because we love Him, not an obligation.

EVANGELISM: We believe that Jesus Christ came into this world to save us, and that He gave us a command to spread the good news of His salvation. We affirm that our Lord desires us to reach as many people as possible with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. We believe in the power of the Gospel to bring restoration to lives, families, and communities that have been bruised and broken. We hold that evangelism should be integral to all that we do, a privilege and responsibility given to us by our God.

DIVERSITY: We believe the the Son of God died for all people, nations, kingdoms, and races, both rich and poor. We love and accept people where they are, believing that each one is made in the image of God. We hold that Christ’s church is a diverse family of love, building up one another and showing God’s plan for racial, social, and economic diversity in a unified body.

MINISTRY INVOLVEMENT: We believe that we are the hands and feet of Jesus, doing in our day what He did in His. We believe that it is every member’s God-given privilege to share Christ’s love through service to our church, our community, and our city.

FELLOWSHIP: We believe in knowing and appreciating each other. We hold that we are a body, with each individual part dependent upon the others. We affirm that Christ has made all believers equal members of His family. We believe that it is God’s desire that we bear one another’s burdens, caring and sharing for one another in this family.